[Android] note 亂亂寫
§How-to modify the content of .jar
Download smali and baksmali from smali.
Open the xxx.jar file with something such as winrar or 7zip or whatever you prefer.
Copy out the classes.dex file.
Run following from command line:
Open the file xxx.smali that you want to modify in something like notepad or context or any text editor.
Now back to the command line and run:
Open the services.jar file with your archiving tool again and replace the existing classes.dex file with our new classes.dex we just created.
良葛格學習筆記 Java 學習筆記 (10) - Reflection
§RAM Disk in Ubuntu
Modify /etc/fstab Add the following code to the last line:
It would share a half of total memory as the disk space.
java -jar baksmali.jar -o classout/ classes.dex
java -Xmx512M -jar smali.jar classout/ -o new-classes.dex
Class c = Class.forName("com.jackal.private");
Method privateMethod = c.getDeclaredMethod("getPrivateMethod", arg0, arg1, ...);
privateMethod.invoke(instanceObj, arg0, arg1, ...);
良葛格學習筆記 Java 學習筆記 (10) - Reflection
§RAM Disk in Ubuntu
Modify /etc/fstab Add the following code to the last line:
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
It would share a half of total memory as the disk space.
tmpfs 可以加參數指定大小 (tmp 我都給它 300m)
# mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /where/the/mountpoint -o size=100m
用到一半發現大小不夠,也可以 remount
# mount tmpfs /where/the/mountpoing -o remount,size=120m