[Android] note 亂亂寫

§How-to modify the content of .jar
  • Download smali and baksmali from smali.
  • Open the xxx.jar file with something such as winrar or 7zip or whatever you prefer.
  • Copy out the classes.dex file.
  • Run following from command line: java -jar baksmali.jar -o classout/ classes.dex
  • Open the file xxx.smali that you want to modify in something like notepad or context or any text editor.
  • Now back to the command line and run: java -Xmx512M -jar smali.jar classout/ -o new-classes.dex
  • Open the services.jar file with your archiving tool again and replace the existing classes.dex file with our new classes.dex we just created.

  • §Reflection
    有時你會需要突破存取限制來呼叫受護的或私有的方法,這時候您可以使用反射機制來達到目的,一個存取私有方法的例子如下: Class c = Class.forName("com.jackal.private");
    Method privateMethod = c.getDeclaredMethod("getPrivateMethod", arg0, arg1, ...);
    privateMethod.invoke(instanceObj, arg0, arg1, ...);


    良葛格學習筆記 Java 學習筆記 (10) - Reflection

    §RAM Disk in Ubuntu
    Modify /etc/fstab
    Add the following code to the last line: tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
    It would share a half of total memory as the disk space.


    如果需要改 apk 檔,有個 apktool 還不錯用

    tmpfs 可以加參數指定大小 (tmp 我都給它 300m)

    # mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /where/the/mountpoint -o size=100m

    用到一半發現大小不夠,也可以 remount
    # mount tmpfs /where/the/mountpoing -o remount,size=120m
    @WalkingIce 怎麼沒有讚或+1可以按! :P



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